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in disarray 意味

"in disarray"の例文


  • in disarray
  • disarray     disarray n. 混乱, 乱雑. 【形容詞 名詞+】 complete disarray 全面的な混乱 He found
  • disarray     disarray n. 混乱, 乱雑. 【形容詞 名詞+】 complete disarray 全面的な混乱 He found the army in total disarray following their surprise defeat. その軍隊が奇襲を受けて敗北を喫したあとすっかり混乱に陥ってしまっていると見た utter disarray
  • complete disarray    全面的{ぜんめんてき}な混乱{こんらん}
  • fall into disarray    混乱状態{こんらん じょうたい}に陥る
  • intraparty disarray    党内{とうない}の混乱{こんらん}
  • standing in disarray    standing in disarray 濫立 らんりつ
  • total disarray    完全{かんぜん}な混乱{こんらん}[無秩序{むちつじょ}] Her room was in a state of total disarray. 彼女の部屋は完全な無秩序状態だった。
  • utter disarray    全くの混乱{こんらん}
  • walk in disarray    入り乱れて歩く
  • cause disarray within the party    党内{とうない}の混乱{こんらん}を招く
  • in disarray over the nomination of a candidate    《be ~》候補者指名{こうほしゃ しめい}で意見{いけん}が分かれる
  • in disapproval    非難{ひなん}して、非難{ひなん}の意味{いみ}で
  • in disappointment    がっかりして、当てがはずれて
  • in disagreement with    (人)と意見{いけん}が合わない[異なる?違う]、(人)に賛同{さんどう}できない、~と相反{あいはん}して、~と不一致{ふいっち}で、~と一致{いっち}しないで
  • in disaster    惨憺{さんたん}たる結果{けっか}となる


  • we have a new office manager , and everything is in disarray .
    マネージャーが代わって 混乱してるんです
  • is uryu ishidas memory in disarray ?
    石田雨竜にも 記憶の混乱があれば
  • it seems that one talented person can throw the art world in disarray .
    1人の天才が 美術界を ひっかき回してやがんだ。
  • the group has continued their campaign of random violence , moving across the countryside unfettered with the republic's military forces in disarray .
    集団は無作為の暴力行為を続け 田園地方にも進出 軍の弱体化は明らかです
  • both sides fought the final battle in disarray , in which motoie kaneko and all military commanders (busho ) of the kaneko side , who had struggled in vain , were killed , and the mori side emerged victorious .
  • sloppy work in making railway beds by hyundai engineering & construction co ., ltd . in the republic of korea , which received an order to construct some sections , was found , and in addition to this , intentions of the companies in nations concerned were in disarray .
  • yoshihisa employing a tactic called ' tsuri-nobuse ' (a tactic using three forces in which one lets the enemy advance (tsuri ) while the rest two hide lying low on both sides (nobuse ), which will eventually come out and surround the enemy ) against the marauding otomo forces , who were attacking in disarray from across the river , sent wave after wave of troops to lie in ambush for the otomo marauders , eventually wiping them out .
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